Digestive system of insects in short.

. The Digestive System Of Insects In Short


Digestion is a process in which food consumed,is hydrolytially brocken down into simpler substances, which is later on absorbed by the organism.

In case of insects the process of digestion is brought about in the alimentry canal with the help of various enzymes.

There are 3 different regions  in the alimentry canal of insects.




The saliva is another inportant substance that helps us in initiating the digestion process


It is the anterior part of the almentry canal which starts with muthcavity and ends with th gizzard or proventriculus.

The foregut gas 4 parts: a)Pharnyx b)Oesophagus c)Crop d)Proventriculus.

A)Pharnyx:it’s a indefinite portion of the oesophagus at the mouth opening which is musculated.Its function is of receiving the food ingested.And even works as a sucking pump for the sap feeders.

B)Oesophagus:It’s a region of the alimentry canal between pahrnyx and the crop.

C)Crop:It’s the oesophagus which acts as a food reserviour.

D)Proventriculus:It’s the end of the foregut  and is provided with a powerfull armature which consists of 4-6 longitudinal folds of the valve.It crushes,pulverizes and mixes the food with the digestive fluids that flow forward from the midgut.

(In some insects like honeybee the gizzard works like a honey stopper separating thepollen from the necter.In orthopterans it is devloped into a grinding organ.In coacroach,crickets and termites the proventriculus form strong plates,teeth or spines.The spines in case of Fleas helps in rupturing the RBCs in the blood meal ingested by them)

The Foregut helps to breskdown the food particles and transport them to the next region Mesenteron.


It’s the middle portion of the stomach where digestion occurs.

Peritrophic Membrane is the internel lining of the midgut that helps in facilitation of the food movement.

a)Gastric Caecae:these are finger like projections that increases the functional area of the midgut ans is home for various symbiotic bacteria.there are acually 8 gastric caecae that are not equal in size.

b)Malphigian Tubules.Discovered by Marcello Malphigi the thin tubule helps in regualation of salt water and nitrogenous waste exceation.

Pyloric spincter or valve directs or controls the food entering inside the hindgut.


Proctodaeum is differentiated into 3 regions.A)Ileum B)Colon C)Rectum.

The hindgut helps in reabsorbtion of water and solute and waste excreation.

Thus is the digestive system of insects in short .keep following for the later blogs with digestion process and digestive enzymes.



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