Seed Companies in India
Hybrid Seed Companies in India.
There a lot of companies that deals on production manufacturing and distribution of seeds in and across the country. Here is a list of 20 seed companies that work in India or 20 seed companies in India.
1. National Seed Corporation

2. JK
Agri Gentics (
JK Agri Genetics Limited is one of the well recognized agro-input companies in India. It is mainly into the business of production, processing and marketing of high-quality hybrid seeds for different crops like Bajra (Pearl Millet), Jowar (Sorghum), Rice(Paddy), Cotton, Maize (Corn), Vegetables, etc. and Plant Nutrients products. The company also tries to focus on proceeding further towards realizing its objective of developing seeds having superior yield potential, drought tolerance, tolerance to pests and diseases etc. The Company has production, processing and R&D facilities in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Odisha.The Company’s research mainly focuses on developing superior hybrids in different crops like Cotton, Maize, Bajra, Jowar, Paddy, Vegetables etc. and the hybrids are marketed under the brand name of “JK Seeds”. It has achieved unique distinction of being the first Indian Company commercialising Bt. Cotton with indigenous GM Technology in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
3. Krishidhan Seeds (
Krishidhan is a pioneer and dynamic agricultural biotech company delivering high quality seeds for the Indian commercial seeds market. Krishidhan is a research-based organisation . The company is actively involved in research, production, processing, packing, and marketing of hybrid quality seeds of Cotton, Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds and Fodder Crop. Krishidhan is one amongst the first three licenses of M.M.B. India Ltd., which has commercialized Bollgard (BG-I) & Bollgard-II (BG-II) cotton hybrids in India. Introduction of other GMOs are on anvil of the company priorities.
Seeds (
Kalash Seeds Pvt Ltd is a leading seed company in India doing Research & Marketing in tropical vegetable. Beej Sheetal is subsidiary of this company which is active in Research since the last 30 years There is steady growth of turnover as the research products are giving very good results in the market. In Indian Vegetable Seed market, Kalash has already achieved market leadership in chili, pumpkin, beetroot, onion, broccoli, muskmelon. It deals on hybrid seeds of wide range of vegetables cultivated in india.
Seeds (
(NSPL Nirmal Seeds Private Limited) was
established in 1988 by a group of agropreneurs at Pachora in Jalgaon district
of Maharashtra, India. The organization was started with an idea of ‘Need based
Research’ in the field of seed technology for the farming community. The
organization is focus of towards maximizing the yield for sustainability of
agriculture with special emphasis on nutrition breeding for developing the
elite genotypes having high levels of essential nutrients. The research on
development of newer generation bio-organic inputs is also another priority
area of R&D for organic farming as well as Integrated Crop Production (ICP)
It has a presence in about 23 states of the country comprising major
agricultural centres across india with offices at Akola, Jalna, Nagpur, Pune,
Ahmedabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Raipur, Agra, Lucknow, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Patna,
Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Kurnool, Hubli, Bangalore, Trichy, Bhubaneshwar,
Guwahati, Ranchi and Siliguri.
Seeds (
Advanta is the leading company of seeds worldwide. Its based in Mumbai india. Its an UPL group company. Its business locations are across 84 countries and plants or processing centres based in 21 other countries and deals in hybrid seed production of more than 900 crops.
Seeds (
Pan Seeds Private Limited started its journey in the agriculture sector of Eastern India in the year 1975, with production and marketing of jute seeds. After making its mark in the sector for providing quality, the organization added paddy seeds in its basket and was immediately greeted by the farming community. Presently Pan Seeds is regarded as one of the most trusted partners in the agricultural landscape of India dealing in hybrid seeds of wide range of crops mainly including jute and paddy. It has accelerated the expansion plans of the company from West Bengal to other parts of eastern India like Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Uttar Pradesh, where Pan Seeds operates through a network of distributors.. Being its flagship offering, rice seeds accounts for 80% of the turnover of Pan Seeds. Aligned to the mission of being self-sufficient in meeting the nation’s food requirements, the Research and Hybrid paddy technology and a gamut of new varieties introduced by Pan Seeds provide the farmers options to overcome the stagnating yields of paddy crop in the country. Our investment in the infrastructure includes many high-performance processing facilities across the India. The infrastructure comprises of total 7 state-of-the-art processing plants in multiple states like West Bengal, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, equipped with modern technologies and advanced facilities. Quality standards are maintained through the usage of the latest machinery at our facilities. The high quality of seeds provided has helped Pan Seeds spread its wings beyond India. The export market of hybrid paddy varieties has also shown a huge potential of export to our neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, and other South East Asian countries.
Seeds (
Setup in 1976 by Mr. G V Bhaskar Rao, with an objective to fuel India’s Green revolution
seeds today is India’s largest agriculture company specializing in Hybrid Seeds
in Key Indian crops.With more than 1,00,000 production growers on 65,000 acres
of land across 12 different agro-climatic zones ,the company’s diverse
portfolio of seeds caters to key crop segments to enable crops for diverse agro –
climate and soil conditions. It produces seeds for wide range of crops
including maize, cotton, sunflower, bajra, sorghum, rice and various
Mahyco Private Limited is focused on research and development, production, processing, and marketing of hybrid seeds for India's farming fraternity. Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country. It mainly deals in row crops and various vegetable crops.
10. Mangalam Seeds (
Mangalam Seeds Limited is a sustainable agriculture ISO 9001 certified Company founded in 2011, which delivers agricultural products that supports farmers all over the Country. Mangalam Seeds Limited is engaged in producing and delivering high quality seeds with specialization in forage crops. The Company’s expertise is in the supply of high potential, versatile and disease, pest and drought tolerant hybrid seeds which are adaptable to different agro-climatic conditions. Our Company also has strong marketing channel in Gujarat and Rajasthan, comprising of 540 Distributors, more than 1550 dealers and retailers to support marketing.
11. Shree
Ganesh Biotech
Shree Ganesh Biotech Inida limited is a Kolkata based company mainly engaged in the trading of seeds and animal feed. They are engaged in commercial production processing and marketing of high quality sedds for different crops like corn sunflower cotton paddy sorghum etc. it deals in states across the country like west Bengal,Bihar and odisha.
12. Bejo
Bejo is a company that breeds, produces, and sells vegetable seeds. They operate in more than 30 countries and produce 1,200 varieties across 50 different crops. Its based in the United states.
13. Bayer (
Bayer Crop Science looks after the
production of seeds. The company activities in India are focused on vegetable
seeds and seeds for agricultural crops, in particular – rice, cotton, oilseeds
(mustard) and millet. The seeds business uses plant biotechnology and modern
plant breeding to develop high-performance seeds and enhance specific plant
properties, increasing resistance to certain threats, improving quality and
increasing yields. Bayer
produces seeds for various crops, including
corn, soybeans, canola, vegetables, and cotton. They offer
both conventional and genetically modified (GM) seeds, with GM varieties
featuring advantages like pest resistance and herbicide tolerance.
14. Syngenta (

15. Monsanto
Monsanto is an agricultural company that
produces genetically modified (GMO) seeds and the herbicide glyphosate, also
known as "Roundup". Monsanto's seeds include cotton, soy,
corn, alfalfa, sorghum, and canola. Monsanto also produces
"terminator seeds" that are modified to only last one
generation. This ensures that farmers have to annually purchase new seeds.
Monsanto's seeds and genomics segment covers both field crop and vegetable
seeds under multiple brands. Some of their most prominent brands include
DEKALB maize and Seminis vegetables
16. BASF (

17. Real
Seeds (
REAL SEED is a brand that sells F1 Hybrid
Seed, OP Seed, and other gardening products. The Techno Max Group, which
incorporates REAL SEED, has manufacturing facilities and distribution offices
in India and the United States. Seed type: Heirloom seeds are seeds that have been passed
down through generations and are considered valuable. They can be used
repeatedly, but have lower yields than hybrid seeds. Hybrid seeds produce
higher yields, but you need to sow a new seed each time. Seed source: Some recommend buying non-GMO seeds from local
gardeners. Organic seeds are even better, but can be more expensive.
18. Mr
Fothergills Seeds (
With a thriving presence in both the UK and
Australia, Mr. Fothergill's Seeds has blossomed into a gardener's haven,
offering an extensive array of seeds, plants, and garden accessories. Let's
delve into the fertile ground of this remarkable company. Step into the world
of Mr. Fothergill's Seeds, and you'll be met with a cornucopia of choices. From
vibrant vegetable seeds like tomatoes, peppers, and courgettes to delicate
flower seeds like cosmos, poppies, and sunflowers, there's something to
tantalize every green thumb. They also cater to herb enthusiasts with an
aromatic selection of basil, coriander, and chives, and cater to indoor
gardening enthusiasts with a curated collection of houseplant seeds.
19. East West Seed International (
East-West Seed is a leading seed
company specializing in high-quality tropical vegetable seeds. Their primary focus is on supporting smallholder farmers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. They
offer a wide range of hybrid and open-pollinated vegetable
seeds, including popular varieties like chili
peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, bitter gourd, and leafy
greens. Their seeds are known for their high yields, disease resistance,
and adaptability to local conditions
20. Excel Industries (
Excel Industries Ltd. is a
company that deals in seeds. Mainly deals in production and distribution
of vegetable seeds.
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