Cheap Cold house ,Indian farmers, Zero energy Cold chamber


India is the highest producer of fruits in the world at the same time Indian farmers bear lot of loss in case of fruits. The problem is, every perishable goods in our country is wasted. So it is important to preserve the fruits, vegetables for profitable pomology or floriculture business.

For the proper preservation every farmer may not be able to afford cold house. At the same time self-help groups must be another option. In the thirds case if the farmers amongst themselves are not supportive then we can go for zero energy cold chamber.


Zero energy cold chamber can be made easily by the farmers even in their fields or nearby their residence.

Materials Required Bricks, sand, easily available water source, bamboo sticks, and roof making material.

Make a bed of bricks 1by1 mtrs.

Then again make a half meter high wall of bricks.

Make two walls of bricks with a difference of 7.5 cms.

 Fill the gap between the two walls with sand.

 Apply available amount of water in the gap between the Wall.

Do make a proper roof for the setup. The roof of bettelenut leaves or straws are preferable. Cover the half meter high wall with bamboo sticks arranged properly.

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Keep sanitizing te setup and moreover apply insecticidal, fungicidal, medicines from time to time.

The bricks shpuld be changed from time to time.3 years is the proper time after that it can be used for other purposes like making of vermicompost units etc.

The setup should be made in high areas so that water logging must be prevented.moreover shady areas are preffered. I personally prefer the use of neem trees to give shade4 to the setup.

Be carefull while keeping the fruits or vegetables and moreover used baskets and keep the fruits or vegetables covered by newspaper.

Thus the uses and making of a cold chamber to enhance your business.



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