Tea or Coffee which is better/caffeine/weight loss/health

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 Tea or Coffee

The question aroused here, is one of the most commonly discussed topic or we can say debate in the world. Tea is the most widely consumed beverage after water, and more cheaper as well. Coffee is a bit costlier.

I must say that tea is more common than coffee. But depending upon the places the availability differs.

The decision of whether Tea or Coffee is all yours. After this  blog you can easily conclude what you want to consume. No one can change your decision. But there are facts that we want to share.

If you talk of if coffee dehydrates stay tuned, keep scrolling and you will know.

And do remember More is not better.

Tea or Coffee Caffaine

As mentioned above that decision is all yours. We will just put the facts the rest you decide.

Caffeine is a CNS stimulant. It’s also a component of energy drinks. It may help you feel more energetic and relaxed.

Tea contains 10-50 mg caffeine per cup (1 cup=150ml)

Coffee contains 60-120 mg caffeine per cup.

If you are spending sleepless nights please stop consuming caffeine. It may be in your tea coffee energy drinks or anything else.

Excess of caffeine may lead to Vomiting, Electrolyte imbalance, Seizures, Hallucinations etc.

And the side effects are Heart palpitations, restlessness, anxiety stomach upset, sleeplessness etc. 

Now again the decision is all yours, what is the liquid you want to consume.

How does caffeine works in side our body ?

Adenosine binds with adenosine receptor that induces sleepiness. And Caffeine in turn binds with adenosine receptor and induces alertness instead of sleepiness.

Tea Vs Coffee Acidity

Tea causes acidity. No I don’t agree with it. There are different types of tea and it depends upon its ingredients if it causes acidity. If we talk about caffeine only, yes it may result for heart burn or acidity.

In case of the Indian cup of tea called milk tea or chai. There is cardamom content and that may result in decrease your acid production but milk may however be the cause of acidity. At the same time if you are suffering from ulcers, avoid adding peeper in your cup of tea.  

Tea Vs Coffee Antioxidants

In case of antioxidants, tea wins the race. We must admit here that tea contains more antioxidants as compared to coffee. Antioxidants and polyphenols  such as flavinoids and catechins are some very polular and useful constituents of tea.

Tea or Coffee Weight Loss

In case of loss of weight. We can find a lot of stories available in the internet. Many don’t believe the fact. Many so-called scientists at quora are there.

But we conclude that yes, tea reduces weight or burn calories for you but please don’t consume it with added sugar milk etc. Just consume tea.

Does Tea or Coffee Dehydrate You

The answer is no. Tea or coffee does not dehydrate you, but instead can hydrate you.

Anyway how much do you think the amount of water. One must consume ?

The amount of water one must consume is 10 divided by his /her body weight.

Suppose my body is 82kg so, the water demand of my body will be 82/10=8.2 cups of water.

1 Cup of water=120ml

So requirement for my body= 8.2*120=980ml.

I hereby also request you not to negotiate any of your drinks with water. When suppose we are thirsty we must consume water. Not tea neither coffee.  

Is tea Healthier or Coffee

Tea is healthier or coffee? I suppose you would lean to tea if you want less caffeine but offcourse coffee if you want more. You would prefer coffee in case of antioxidants.

You may take either of the sides. But you must always remember More is not always better.

Consumption of tea and coffee is good for your health. But adding sugar in it may cause a lot of harmful affects.

A you tube channel added that tea is harmful because tea contains sugar and sugar is diabetic, and all about what diabetes can do to your health. But instead you can also see or read why tea is important.

Across the internet you can find a lot of data and staticstics that how added sugar is harmful for our health. But instead you can consume jaggery it also helps in proper digestion.

Tea and Coffee Alternatives

There are a lots of alternatives of tea and coffee.

It depends on what you want to consume.

You can find decaffeinated products such a blue tea. In amazon the tea from garden of assam.

And caffeinated products contains a wide range starting from cocas to colas. The only thing you must be keeping in mind is that added sugar is very harmful for your health.

Tea and Coffee Gift Basket

The tea and coffee gift basket is a good idea. Easily available and also a very useful gift.from amazon gifts

You can also gift all tea or all coffee either. From amazon tea gifts

amazon coffee gifts

Reading this blog you have reached the end.

Thank you for reading and also for your patience.

We may have made mistakes. But please help us to improve. The comment section is all yours you’r’e welcome.

Your support is a blessing for us.


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