Joha Rice of Assam


Joha  Rice


Joha is a variant of  Oryza sativa, its locally grown in the northeastern part of India.

Its popular for its aroma and and its extraordinary taste. The aroma of  joha rice is due to its content 2 acetyl-1pyrroline which makes its very different from the aromatic rice basmati. Moreover elevated level of acetyl and pyrroline gives it the sweet  characterstic fragnance.(

Assam has been conferred upon the GI tag of Joha Saul or Joha rice or mi joha. Under the certificate  number 287 whose registration was applied by AAU,Jorhat and Seuj Sarathi. Whereas the registration is validated upto 9-9-2023. (

The rice variant  besides of its unique aroma has a lot of health benefits. As it has been seen to be containing Proteins, lipids as well as antioxidants. It additionally has a larger content of multivitamins than some other assortment of rice. (

The  joha rice has different varieties and different constituents.Its also exported and its of great market value. Though its not cultivated widely because of its low yielding capacity as well as the fragnance that attracts more insect pests as compared to other rice varients.

Websites like etc deals with retail sale of joha rice. However the retailer is once own personnel choice and its just a mere example.

In the next lines or topics to come we will be dealing with economic importance of joha rice its brief on history and various such information including some pests and diseases of rice when grown in the fields of Assam.

Image describes image of rice and rice plants.

Economic Importance

Rice is a important staple crop of India and the world.

However its also used in various ways. Now a days ready to eat rice instant or rice flakes are also in common.

All these increases the importance of rice as well as its commercial value

When this topic arises in our mind we always think of money or the costs of the special rice per kg.

The price however varies in different locations and depending upon the seller. However the Rampal joha is available Rs 52 per kg. Whereas the joha rice in unmentioned white variety is available at Rs 270 per kg at the

However  we can be pretty sure that the rice when cultivated in the state can be a good source of income. And moreover the various varities recently introduced with high yielding capacity can help the farmers in future with handsome money.

Health Benefits

As we have also discussed earlier about the health benefits. We would mention that

Joha rice with its flavinoids and polyphenolic constituents helps us against ageing.

Its also a grood source of protein that can be replaced by god sources such as meat or commercially produced eggs.

Its also rich in carbohydrates and in volatile oils. The rice is richer in multivitamins. ( )

Joha rice posses good anti-oxidant activities by further extensive research, we can explore its medicinal value. (Habibur Rahman et al )

Origin and classification

We all well know the orgin of rice accounts of Vavilov (1926) according to which there are 12 centres of origin for rice. And we also have learned about two species among other 20 species are dosmesticated. The O.sativa and O.glaberima.

The Oryza sativa  has its origin in the south asian region and has 3 sub-species. Indica, Japonica and Javaica.

As the Joha rice is vulnareable to lodging so we can consider it under the sub-species indica.

Moreover Joha rice has various variants. Amongst all the popular once are

Tulshi Joha, Kola Joha, Rampal Joha, Kunkuni Joha, Manki Joha (

However some improved yielding varieties are  Keteki Joha (a AAU developed variety)

Prerequisites for Cultivation

In this section we would be discussing about the requirements of the rice plant or say we would briefly discuss about the climate soil etc that are fit for cultivation of joha rice.

Joha rice is most suitably or primely cultivated in Garo hills (

Whereas Joha is a Sali rice and is sown in may/june and harvested in the month of October/November.

Since rice is grown in areas with high humidity and hot climate with assured supply of waster along with sunshine for prolonged time period.

Being a short day plant rice needs unitterupted dark periods. And the water supply must be focused. The  rainfall of around  1000mm is sufficient. In case of  rainfall deficit areas or year we must include irrigation. However water logging must be prevented.

Growing in the soil whose clay content is higher.

Cultivation Tecniques

When the prerequisites are completed or fulfilled. Then we can move towards cultivation.

In case of agriculture tillage is the most important culture.

Now at first we must have to go for choosing the seeds. We can easily uy the seeds from the stores. The seeds after tillage and bed preparation can be sown. Which is a good practise than direct broadcasting into the fields which has a bit less productivity.

The rice needs tillage upto 1 feet deeper and is done either by pair of ox (using a plough) or tractors.

The rice is tansplanted and then the cultural practices are practised.

Weeding is a important cultural practise that must be practised from time to time. Sometimes it facilitates pests and diseases.

In case of manures and fertilizers. Well rotten FYM can be a good manure when mixed with soil during tillage operations. Moreover the manures must be followed by fertilizers and that would be decided by the variety as well as the soil.

Since Joha rice takes 120-160 days for maturity proper care and timely cultural practises are very important to be followed.

Harvesting and Post Harvest

Harvesting of rice in our state is done by various methods. Depending upon the farm size and the capital of the owner. People do manually using a sickle and then threashing is dne sing Ox or powertillers. Theasher are nowadays widely used for harvesting.

Farmers recently have also added combines to their garages.

In case of Post harvest the Joha rice includes Threashng and then Winnoing and then storing the paddy grains.

The grains are converted to rice using sellers and in village terminology they are called mills.

The mills are the machines that helps in removing the husk and bran from the edible part.

Storage is done in houses with proper care from pests and rodents other organisms that can cause a damage to the crops.


Joha rice is prone to diseases and pests. Its due to its unique aroma and taste.

We have tried to mention a few disesases of Joha rice below.

1.Yellow Stem borer

Its caused by Scirophaga incertulus here the innemrmost part of the stem is affected and it appears black. Hence its also named as dead heart. Moreover when attacked at reproductive stages the panicle becomes white with immature and white grains.called white ear head.

Chemically it can be controlled by using Phosphamidon 40% SL.

2.Leaf borer

Its caused by Criaphalocrosis medinalis

Initially the lraves start folding and and then white stripes appear on them.

It can be controlled by Phosphamidon 40% SL.

3.Rice Hispa

Its caused by Dicladispa armigers  it attcks the stem and leaves  and they get dried up.

Chemically it can be controlled by triazophos 20% EC.

4.Case Worm

Its due to Nymphula depuntalis  in this case thr worm cuts the terminal portion of the leaveas and forms a case. When if the cut part floats in the water then the disease spreads. It can be easily controlled by limited irrigation. Water lodding must be prevented.


North east is a land of resources. The unidentified resources are called local or endemic. But we must have to preserve them.

Joha rice was also such resources until it was identified.

After identification the rice joha is another resources that have the capability of being another crop after tea that can be sold world wide.

People becoming more health conscious and more aware about the rice can be proved a milestone for the sellers of the rice.

Further new and improved varieties are expected from time to time. And may its cultivation thrills.


1.     Aromatic Joha Rice of Assam- A Review A.Das, Tushar, V. Keshari, L.Rangan department of biotechnology IIT,Guwahati.

2.     Research paper available in “Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of citrus Macroptera Var. Annamensis and Oryza sativa Var. Joha rice: medicinal plants of Assam” by Habibur Rahman, A.M Dutta and Dr Chinna Eswaraiah Anurag Pharmacy College. Der pharmacia Lettre.

          3   “Joha Rice-the Special Aromatic Rice of North East India” published at

         4“What’s Special about JOHA- the aromatic Rice of North East India ” by Chintu Das published at





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