How to Make a Bonsai Plant |At Home | Easy in Just 5 Steps

How to make a bonsai plant How to make a bonsai plant how to make bonsai easily easy way to make bonsai how to make bonsai at home how to make bonsai easily at home

Its not that easy to just make a bonsai plant. The more you work on it the more you get out of it. i.e if  you work for a bonsai you can surely make  a beautiful one. But if you are a beginner and wanted to make or grow a indoor plant that resembles the bonsai, the blog is definitely for you.

The way we do is not exactly a bonsai but a type out of it and is way easier.

You can follow the simple steps to make a indoor plant. And don’t even require a lot of hardwork or dedication.

Following are the steps :
              1. Cut a plant as we did the china rose (Hibiscus rosasinensis)

You must cut a thick stem or branch with an rough idea that how much bigger the plant can be. Or What you expect the size of a bonsai to be.

We suggest you to take at least larger than the thickness  of a pencil.

      2. Take a bowl with water. Add some Camphor in it (there are a lot of plant rooting promoters. A lot of artificial are also available in the store nearby.

          3. Dip the stem for more than a week. And do change the water from time to time. You don’t need to change the camphor.

4.After the leaves comes out from the branch transfer the plant to a tub.

You have a lot of containers in your house. So we prefer you to use them. You may also take some other from a commercial store.

But if you recycle the bottles or containers make a hole of respective size. The hole depends according to the size of the material you take and also the soil.

While you go for poting or transplanting in the tub please don’t forget to take a good and manure enriched soil.

             5.Take care of the plant and water it from time to time.

If the plant seems to dry you can plant it outdoor for few days. 

So this is the way you can make a bonsai.

Thank you for reading.

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